Happy Birthday Sagittarius - Your Year Ahead [Harper's Bazaar]


Rebecca Gordon of MyPathAstrology shares insight into your year ahead...

This is a year of commitment for you. As Saturn sits poised in the middle of Sagittarius, this may be an ideal time to take stock of all of the major 'heavy lifting' that you have done over the last year. Perhaps you moved homes, had a child or committed to a new path in your career that meant very long hours at the desk to get started.

The difference in the next year for you will be that the word commitment will take on a whole new meaning as Saturn will make friendly angles to both Uranus and Jupiter. Over the next year you will be committing to things more like romance, creativity, spending time with like-minded people who encourage you to meet your exciting goals. After last year's challenging squares to Neptune where there may have been a great deal of confusion in home and career matters, you can now dry off and begin committing to things that truly excite you in the year to come.

The New Moon at the start of January shows development and promise of a new source of income or else a hefty increase to the current one. There may be a hidden talent which you discover you possess – explore this more as it seems to hold great potential for your future.

There will be a special Lunar Eclipse on Feb. 10th that appears in the fellow fire sign of Leo which appears to create a golden triangle of fire signs in the sky. For you, this will be highly auspicious in the areas of publishing, media, production and a stellar opportunity that comes out of the blue. Travel may also be tied into these new ventures. However with the angle to stabilizing Saturn, this new media prospect seems to also have a well-developed root system and longevity so dive in with ease.

It will be a great relief to settle back in the space you call home in early March as Solar Eclipse sheds light in the home-base sector of your chart. For you this may mean an opportunity to expand and creatively innovate the space you call home - perhaps you begin looking for a larger space or somewhere closer to the water. Eclipses tend to bring a sudden turn of events, so be flexible.

Looking for love or a stellar time to wed? April and June and specifically the early parts of the months will glow with potential. If you are as well hoping to have a baby, your fertility will be high in the end of March and into April.

Leave a lot of breathing room in your schedule this August as the eclipse's will roll through your communications and media sectors of the chart, showing an opportunity for you to expand your reach – perhaps through publishing, teaching or broadcasting… As you may have gathered travel, publishing and media will be an area where you will want to pay attention to and explore this year. Happy Birthday Sagittarius and I wish you a magnificent year to come!

Join Rebcca at the Henri Bendel Christmas Party as she will be giving a talk on the year of 2017 for all signs. Sign up here to join with Promo Code: Astrology.