Gemini - Your Year Ahead [Harper's Bazaar]


Gemini: Your Year Ahead

Rebecca Gordon of shares insight into your year ahead.


You are the zodiac's connoisseur of communications, ruled by fast-spinning Mercury. Quick with a joke, stellar wit, sharp as a razor and then you're just so cool and breezy as you move through the day at light-speed. You seem to charm every other member of the zodiac with your playful, clever banter—and then you move on like the wind. Being the first 'air sign' of the zodiac, agility of the mind and quick reflexes are your trademarks. Your mythological avatar 'Hermes' is often spotted with wings on his shoes, flying through space, delivering messages throughout the world. Perhaps you are a writer, a professional speaker, a media mogul, a translator, or one who collects and shares information for news channels. Each sign of the zodiac is a bit of a reaction to the one that came before it. So Taurus came before you and Taurus is the connoisseur of the material world and money.  Perhaps you rebelled against the values of the past and getting bogged down with clunky material concerns. Instead your place great value on the world of ideas and sharing new wisdom for greater collective awareness. You cast a wide net socially and are a sought after guest at most dinner parties, a charming host who effortlessly blends people of different likes and persuasions. Yes, you are the ultimate connector, the writer, the go-to on style and current events, social media guru, always first to learn and share the latest in technology and trends. Ok, let's check in with your stars this year:



Eclipses will strike at the top and bottom of your chart in 2016 – showing that you are due for a massive shake-up in both areas of career and home and the pieces will all land in a very different place then they appear for you at this moment. This is a good thing, though it is key to be visionary and aspirational as you will be curating your life from bottom to top. The last time you went through these sorts of changes was back in 1997. Consider what happened then… There will be a similar thread, though now you are of course, much wiser, older, and there is a healthy amount of life experience under your belt. Sweeping change in home and career will be non-negotiable with Septembers' eclipse season, so you will do best to open the doors and welcome it in. If one direction seems to be unyielding, be flexible and shift gears. You will find your groove and re-emerge in a way that is so authentically you.



Have you been considering a move lately or perhaps a major upgrade to your current abode? Well you are in luck right now. I say this because lucky Jupiter will occupy your sector of real estate until September and during this time, your stars will sparkle and shine in the area of 'home development' (this only happens once every 12 years so act swiftly). Jupiter tends to give you larger than life opportunities while it is there. In other words, it appears you will land in a home with high ceilings, lots of light, large windows and large closets – thanks to the effects of sunny and expansive Jupiter super-sizing everything that has to do with home. You have clearly grown so much internally over the last year, and as well, outgrown the confines of your current walls. Your new home will reflect your new, expansive state of mind and world view. At last, a Solar Eclipse on September 1 will fully awaken this potential of real estate as it may be then when you finally seal the deal or settle in to your new, more sprawling abode. However, it is best you sign all paper work avoiding the Mercury retrograde dates which are August 25 – September 25. I gave you a few days of plus and minus on each side of the retrograde because I like to play it safe when it comes to legal contracts or leases.



July will bring an auspicious new Moon early in the month to increase your cash flow. It appears you will be up for a raise and this will be an ideal time to ask your employer as the closeness of Venus and Pluto will help you flip that money script big-time. Or perhaps there is a skill you have been honing and by early July you will finally be ready to go public and flip your hobby into a revenue stream. Your professional path will come into a stark clarity mid-September with a lunar Eclipse that shines a light on you and your unique gifts—putting you in the spotlight. This attention may demand you clear the decks to eliminate one old career in favor of another path. With Mars tangled into this cosmic soup, you will need to call upon your courage and deep personal conviction in making this professional transition. The advice of others may not resonate with you and you will do best to follow your inner voice here. Only you know your path, so take the time to meditate on what it looks and feels like, and then walk it. November will usher in an exciting new work project that will re-awaken your creativity as visionary Neptune will help to bring your dreams into manifestation. This new career direction is certainly exciting, though it will also require a financial investment in January. Yes, you will need to put money down to show you mean business— maybe an investment in new skills or a new wardrobe that will suite your new career persona. By Feb 26, 2017, your dream career will be fully launching into take-off with an eclipse in Pisces at the very top of your chart, sector of fame and honors. Stay focused on your vision and by next year, your life will be a 180 degree opposition from the current scenery. Have a look around and remember what you see now. Rock on Gemini – I am so excited for your stellar professional development!



Did you just get a dose of sobering reality on a relationship? That was a heavy Saturn-Infused Full Moon in the partnership zone of your chart on May 21 – often known as a make or break signature. Saturn is like concrete, no frills – though absolutely necessary in life because it always brings the unadulterated truth and reality check we all need, though may not want. With Saturn moving slowly through your sector of commitment from 2015 – 2017, there may have been a persisting challenge in your closest relationship. Sometimes Saturn's lessons will bring distance in a relationship like say – your spouse gets relocated to London for a must-take high-level position and your company only has an office in Geneva. These kinds of things can either force a relationship into deeper commitment or else will tear it apart. Saturn is a teacher of hard lessons and your life lessons seem to be coming in the form of relationship these days. The good thing about Saturn is that, you ultimately get so clear on your values in relationships and mainly you get to know what you don't want in life.  This clarification will actually prep you for a quality deeper commitment later in the year. Have no fear. October 2016 – October 2017 will be your year for love. In the second half of 2016, lucky Jupiter will enter your sector of true love and fertility and remain there for a whole year. At that moment, in the start of October, it is as if the universe has conspired to make up for so much of the hardship you have been through. If you are single, well not for long as a very auspicious Jupiter-infused new moon gets a stabilizing pulse from Saturn – all in your sector of true love! However stay grounded because by December, there will be an opportunity to move into deeper commitment as serious Saturn joins the New Moon in your partnership sector of the chart. Life gets much juicier in the 2nd half of 2016 so be patient with the romance for now sweet Gemini.



Your best travel dates this year will be mid-August 2016 and late January 2017 to early February. You also may decide to do a special online training program you've had your eye on or class abroad. Since your career path is moving with expedited evolution, perhaps you will pick up a skill in August that will set you leagues above others in your industry.