Cancer - Your Year Ahead [Harper's Bazaar]


Cancer: Your Year Ahead

Rebecca Gordon of shares insight into your year ahead.


Your Birth Stars

Ruled by the Moon, you are innately synced up to all cycles in nature, the ocean tides, and especially the different phases and signs of the Moon. Your feelings may even change along with these ever-changing lunar currents. Being so deeply tuned in to the emotions of your partner, family, friends and colleagues, you may have earned the title of unofficial guru and sage for your whole posse. 

Along the waters' edge lives the Crab (your avatar) with its hard exterior shell and soft insides. There is a reason for that shell – it is there to protect and nurture you from the hard edges of the world, though you have to make sure that you do not close yourself off too much from new opportunities. The feelings of safety, care and protection are more than essentials to you, and perhaps you have developed an art form in pursuit of the ideal cocoon and safe space for yourself. Home design, interiors, real estate and development may naturally appeal to you. You may also find your calling as a restaurateur or counselor as these deal with different aspects of nurturing another whether it is through lodging, food, or human contact. Though one of the most overlooked qualities of Cancer, is your pure tenacity in business. Let's not forget that you are what is called a Cardinal sign meaning a sign that begins a season and members of your tribe also are fearless pioneers and some of the sharpest executives around.

Career & Money Scope

The last 5 years may not have felt exactly stable in regards to career as Uranus has been in a precarious angle in the business sector of your chart, though the wind is now beginning to change direction here, and you may have already noticed this recently. When much of the world will be relaxing in August, you will be gaining serious momentum on your brand as there will be a great buzz building around you. A new Moon early August will wake up new earning potential and perhaps you will also discover a latent talent that adds greater steadiness to your business. Whatever it may be that you are developing in August, it will have the stamp of staying potential as this New Moon makes a friendly angle to stabilizing Saturn. Think long term in your August business development, as you seem to be laying down a solid foundation for the future. Mid-August there also seems to be an opportunity to invest in your career and perhaps earn in the form of commission, though taking a risk will be essential so do trust here and be sure to sign off on everything before Mercury goes retrograde on August 30. February 2017 will be one of your busiest months as Mars travels in your sector of vocation and honors so be prepared for the overflow of projects and attention. This could mean you will have to staff more preemptively and be ready to delegate. As April 2017 begins, you will find yourself in a brand new playing field – leagues away – perhaps then you will land a hefty promotion or a title which is more suited to you.

Love & Fertility

Passionate Mars will be in your sign of Cancer from now until August 1 and this placement gives you extra magnetism as your powers of attraction will be off the charts so use this wisely. An early November New Moon will light up your sector of true love and fertility igniting the prospect of love or engagement. This November New Moon aligns in a delightful cosmic triangle to romantic Neptune. Prepare to leave your doubts in the dust for now. Yes, you may meet a new love interest, though if you are already committed, perhaps you will decide to have children or take romantic getaway to foreign shores as Neptune's angle bides well for ocean adventures. This all has a sense of ease too so you can trust the flow of events as they unfold. January is another month that speaks about love, though now it seems to be elevating to the level of serious partnership or at least deeper commitment. Throughout the year, there will be a cosmic signature of people with accents and from different cultures circulating around you and these relations will greatly expand your horizons.

Learning & Travel

Eclipses will light up all matters of travel and education for the next year as the prospects will glisten for a new training abroad, an online course, and international business development. An Eclipse in September will point to a new skill you will benefit from— giving you greater leverage in your industry. It may well be in communications such as media, design or video.  By March of 2017, international reach may be even more highly placed on your radar as opportunities will emerge in broadcasting, online expansion, production and TV. Learning new skills this year will certainly be the place to break out of your shell into the unknown terrain. 

Home & Real Estate

Jupiter Planet of luck will inhabit your sector of home from September 2016 -October 2017 and this only happens once every 12 years. That said, now is you best year to buy real estate, invest or sell your abode to move into a larger space. While Jupiter remains at the base of your chart, you may also decide to make large-scale home renovations or even buy internationally to expand your business into a more global brand. The most ideal time for real estate investment will be in the first half of October as a New Moon will be traveling with auspicious Jupiter showing the signature of large floor plans with high ceilings, light, and big windows. As your concept of home expands, this may also be a time when you decide to start a family.

Health & Wellness

Serious Saturn has been in your health and body sector since mid-2015 and it will remain there until the end of 2017. This only happens every 29 years so during this era, your life lessons will be about developing a stronger discipline towards the way you care for yourself in terms of exercise, diet, work ethic and overall putting your health first. During August and September, action Mars will be joining Saturn in your health sector giving you a serious energy boost to run the extra mile and exceed your fitness goals. However,  Saturn also urges you to be disciplined yet realistic in establishing your health routine so it will be easy to maintain. The healthy lifestyle patterns which you set into motion now will certainly have staying power for your future. Make it your healthiest year yet!