Uranus Trine Saturn - Change and Anchors

Your Thoughts Create Things.

And today your power to imagine and manifest will be 100% amplified as Saturn, Uranus, and our Sun create a perfect triangle in the heavens. The message is: ‘think big’, I mean way beyond what you are comfortable with. Make it really magnificent. Hold that feeling AND, then, take those practical Saturn steps that are in alignment with your vision.

A couple minutes out of your day will go a long way, babe. Our world is merely the sum of yours and the collective consciousness in one big soup. The more of you that can hold visions for a new future, the more your world and our world will shift direction. Everything must begin in your imagination. Talk new ideas with your community, write things down and focus on collaborations with these trine angles in the sky. 
Saturn will work with you today to anchor that vision into reality and create a long range plan for the future. Uranus urges you to get out of the confines of what you see and know to be reality. It starts with you.

This is the cosmic signature of our outer planets that sums up our summer of 2018... Be the change you want to see in the world now that Mercury is Direct, it’s time to imagine and take action for a new reality.

BlogRebecca Gordon2018