Lunar Eclipse in Gemini


Eclipses are those fated times of year when it seems like all time gets collapsed into one telling moment. They are like portals that will catapult you forward if you allow.

During an eclipse there is always a challenge and a bridge we must cross. It takes a great deal of courage to do so, though remaining where you are does not seem like an option either. Once we cross it, the Bridge falls to the water and there’s no turning back. So in other words, eclipses expedite your evolution. Eclipse season is not known to be easy at all, though you will leave this season more truthful to your light, more real, more raw, and in alignment. Since this eclipse is in Gemini, likely hidden information will reveal itself so listen to what’s not said, listen to your intuition, listen to the wind and nature as key messages will spell themselves out right before your eyes.

Aries - Truth

Taurus - Value

Gemini - Self / Image

Cancer - Let Go / Trust

Leo - Social Changes

Virgo - Career Changes

Libra - Growth / Publish

Scorpio - Trust

Sagittarius - Partnership

Capricorn - Releasing blocks

Aquarius - Love

Pisces - Home