Mercury Goes Direct




I think we can all agree that 2022 didn’t have a killer intro… That said, planets are all starting to move direct now. And today MERCURY GOES DIRECT following In Venus’s footsteps.

Give Mercury a good 5 days to get back on track and up to speed though. I’m waiting until Feb. 10 to make any serious commitments or kick-off meetings. And feb 10 will be a big day as Mercury meets with Pluto.

Here are 6 things you can do to celebrate Mercury Direct in Capricorn:

  1. Commit to a workout routine, even if it’s 15 min a day.

  2. Initiate a meeting with someone you’ve been wanting to collaborate with.

  3. Submit a book proposal or pitch deck.

  4. Begin envisioning your year and plan.

  5. Get the wheels in motion for a creative project you’ve had on the back burners.

  6. Create stronger boundaries so you can focus on what is important.

Happy Mercury Direct. Let’s do this.

Find out when all upcoming astrological transits will happen in our new STARSYNC Digital Calendar.