New Moon In Pisces




This is literally one of the most beautiful new moons of the year and I am hopeful that it's closeness to Jupiter (the planet of luck) will prove to be disarming for us all. Pisces is a sign of the absolute merging and connectivity that harks back to the womb of the creation which we are all birthed from. Pisces lifts the veil of all of our separateness and shows us how our outer world is merely a mirror of our inner world. Jupiter (also known to have healing properties) will meet the Sun on March 5th revealing an auspicious and enlightening day. Venus and Mars finally leave their trials with Pluto in Capricorn on March 6, making way for a new creative global solution. This will be a month for meditation, vision, and the birthing of new realities. Happy New Moon.

  • Join me on IG Live tonight where I’ll dive deeper into it’s meaning and for all signs.