Full Moon Horoscopes at 2° Sagittarius
full Moon at 2° sagittarius
We are in the Full Moon glow and that means you are now reaping the harvest of the seeds you planted back in December when there was a New Moon in Sagittarius. Think back to the decisions you made as 2023 was closing out. Now take stock of these last 6 months and choose wisely as you are at an ideal roadside viewing station to dream your future into action.
The Full Moon in Sagittarius offers vast perspective and opens new roads and that’s because you are now ready to see. The bright light of the Full Moon will guide your way this week.
Pause from your routine to view this new horizon line and see beyond the hills and beyond what you thought was possible. Sagittarius comes after Scorpio to instill us with a dream, a sense of conviction and desire for something more that what is seen. This is the moment where we disrupt the pattern and choose to trail blaze an adventure - even if you have no idea where it will take you. It is the right path because it is yours.
Now I write this newsletter on a train from London to Oxford where I will meet Scottish friends before our journey (how 'Sagittarius Full Moon' is all that - maybe a lil too on the nose!). Full moons are times of celebration and illumination and Sagittarius is the sign of a grand adventure - and yes, I’m feeling the cosmos deeply working through me…
This Full Moon invites you to venture outside the lines of your previously known reality. Sagittarius as a zodiacal teacher is here to hold up a lantern, lighting the way for new roads of thought, adventure, and evolution.
Full Moon Questions
What began in December and how do you feel about the harvest you are now reaping? Is there a shift of focus and where may that be?
In what area of life have you become stuck? What will it look like to open up that pattern and dream new roads into being?
*** For more insight on #2 you can read for your sun & rising sign to see where the full moon will illuminate your birth chart.
Aries - learning and travel
Taurus - money and funding
Gemini - relationship patterns
Cancer - health & routines
Leo - heart opening
Virgo - home & family
Libra - a contract
Scorpio - talents, income
Sagittarius - self & relationship illumination
Capricorn - inner scripts can flip
Aquarius - a social transition
Pisces - professional change
“Whether it’s a personal reading, taking an astrology class, or spending time on a retreat with Rebecca Gordon, you will be forever transformed and see your life through a different lens. Rebecca is a gifted and highly engaging teacher who guides you through understanding astrology with grace and ease. That understanding in turn leads to greater compassion for yourself and others. Rebecca is also a wonderful connector and I’m grateful for such beautiful friendships and inspiring students I have met through studying with Rebecca Gordon over the years.”
“After having read Rebecca Gordon’s book, Your Body and the Stars, I knew it was important to go deeper into studying how the zodiac sign influences health. This class isn’t just for those interested in medical practice, it’s suitable for everyone who also want to be more attuned to their bodies. We were treated to fun and informative sessions on going through our natal charts and watching out for potential health issues, as well as identifying some alignments that could affect the health.”
“I thoroughly enjoyed the Astrology of Relationships class. Rebecca is a gifted astrologer with a creative and unique voice. She introduced me to new techniques and added layers to my understanding of synastry. Her distinctive take on the waltz between the sun and moon in relationships provided a fresh new perspective for my understanding of aspects in relationships. There is a Facebook group to connect with your fellow students. I love that all her classes are live and interactive.”
“After studying astrology for over 20 years to then becoming professional the last few years, I am a great believer in continuing development. Through studying and learning from many teachers, I have followed Rebecca for the last two years.
Specialising In Medical Astrology I loved her Health and Wellness course, there was so much information which gave me a deeper understanding of how to bring in the ecosystem.
I would highly recommend this class even if you are not an Astrologer you will still benefit from this class.”
“I have taken two full courses and countless workshops and private sessions with Rebecca. She is undoubtedly a master of her craft and a true mentor for her students. I live in gratitude to her for the rich knowledge she has equipped me in understanding myself and in helping others learn about themselves through astrology.”
“I met Rebecca years ago at a workshop she was teaching. I was immediately drawn to the lightness and life that she brings to the ancient art of astrology - she makes it so accessible and fun, without sacrificing any of its depth and life-changing potential. It’s been such a joy to be in her astrology school. I’ve gained a much deeper understanding of myself, and seen how we are all “wired” really differently, based on studies of natal charts. This has helped me to be much more patient and understanding with my friends and family ;) And, the class really feels like a true spiritual community: supportive, intimate and inspiring. I will miss our weekly gatherings!”